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ANGEBOT Neurofeedback-Techniker


BESCHREIBUNG Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams suchen wir per Oktober 2015 eine/n PsychologIn / NeuropsychologIn / KrankenpflegerIn / Medizinische(n) Fachangestellte(r) für eine Psychologie Praxis.

FUNKTIONEN. Abklärung und Therapie mittels Neurofeedback. Praxis Leitung, autonome Betreuung der Patienten und erstellen von Berichten. Organisation von Aktivitäten und Veranstaltungen.

ARBEITSPLATZ. Teneriffa Sur und wenn nötig ein oder zwei Tageteilen in Santa Cruz.

VEREINBARUNG. Nach bestandener 6 monatigen Probezeit wird eine unbefristete Festanstellung angeboten.

ARBEITSZEIT. 100% Pensum (Ihre Öffnungszeiten sind abhängig von den Kunden).

SONSTIGE ANGABEN Wir suchen eine Neugierige und Motivierte Person, bereit neues zu lernen und die Herausforderung einer Praxis Leitung zu übernehmen.

AUSBILDUNG. Bachelor in Psychologie, Master in Klinischer Psychologie oder Neuropsychologie von Vorteil. Ausbildung als KrankenpflegerIn oder Medizinische(n) Fachangestellte(r).

ERFAHRUNG Klinische Erfahrung ist von Vorteil. Es wird keine Ausbildung oder Erfahrung mit Neurofeedback benötigt da jegliche Fortbildungen von der Firma angeboten werden.

SPRACHKENNTNISSE. KandidatenIn müssen fliessend Deutsch und Spanisch sprechen, ausserdem ist ein gutes Verständniss und Kommunikationsvermögen in Englisch erforderlich. Das Vorstellungsgespräch wird in Deutsch und Englisch durchgeführt.

IT-KENNTNISSE. Einen guten Umgang mit EDV und Computer ist erforderlich.
Andere Anforderungen. KandidatenIn können ihren Lebenslauf zusammen mit einem Motivationsschreiben per Email senden: Bitte beachten Sie das Bewerbungen die den angegebenen Anforderungen zum Teil nicht erfüllen nicht berücksichtigt werden.


nv neurofeedback



Oferta de empleo:

 La empresa Ataman Science precisa un psicólogo o neuropsicólogo para cubrir una vacante en una de sus consultas de Neurovitalia ubicada en Madrid. Estamos buscando una persona motivada, con ganas de aprender y que puede trabajar en equipo pero que también sea capaz de llevar una consulta individualmente. El candidato debe estar colegiado. Las labores del puesto incluyen la evaluación e intervención mediante Neurofeedback. Es imprescindible un elevado nivel de inglés (demostrable durante la entrevista), y se valorará la experiencia clínica y los conocimientos de neuropsicología. El contrato será inicialmente de seis meses a jornada completa. Condiciones salariales a negociar durante la entrevista. La incorporación está prevista para diciembre de 2014. Los interesados deben enviar una carta explicando las motivaciones para optar al puesto y un currículum vitae a antes del 19 de noviembre.



Oferta de empleo:

La empresa Ataman Science precisa un/a psicólogo/a para cubrir una vacante temporal debida a una baja de maternidad para una de sus consultas de Neurovitalia ubicada en Tenerife. Después de este vacante temporal puede existir la posibilidad de seguir trabajando para nosotros en Barcelona. Estamos buscando una persona motivada, con ganas de aprender y que puede trabajar en equipo pero que también sea capaz de llevar una consulta individualmente. El/la candidato/a debe tener la licenciatura en Psicología y estar colegiado/a. Las labores del puesto incluyen evaluación e intervención mediante la técnica de Neurofeedback. Es imprescindible un elevado nivel de inglés (demostrable durante la entrevista), se valorará la experiencia clínica y conocimientos de neuropsicología. El contrato será inicialmente de nueve meses y el horario según demanda con sueldo fijo. La incorporación está prevista para el 22 de septiembre de 2014. Por favor, los interesados deben enviar una carta explicando las motivaciones para optar al puesto y un currículum vitae a antes del 10 de septiembre.




Do you have experience about signal processing and electrical engineering? In that case you might be the one we would like to join our group. EEGinfo is the world leader in Neurofeedback treatments. We are continuously improvoring the method and the instrumentation.

Neurofeedback is a method to train a brain, which was discovered about 40 years ago. During the last 10 years the technic has improved greatly. During the treatment the client is controlling a video game using his brain waves (EEG). The instrument applies defined conditions to the EEG in order to achieve therapeutic results of the training.

The Neurofeedback can be applied to help variety of serious problem such as migraine, ADHD, autism, phobias, PTSD, chronic pain, depression, anxiety, etc. But the cool thing with the Neurofeedback is that you don’t have to be sick to use it. You can use it just to perform better. For example we have high level athletics doing Neurofeedback in order to be able to perform better in the competitions.

On top of the Neurofeeback we are developing systems to evaluate functioning of the brain. The method is based on recording of brain reaction to some simple tasks and can be used to detect various problems for example ADHD.

We are looking two persons to our group. The work mostly would be software development, but a background from electrical engineering or physics would be preferred. We are searching one person who has experience with Matlab and an other who is familiar with Lab-view or similar tool.

The working place is expected to be at Chur in Switzerland, but that can be discussed. The working language is either English or German.

Please, send you application and CV to The applications are received until 31 of August.

All the best!




My name is Jyri. I run a company called Ataman Science S.L.U. at Tenerife. We do business with European Space Agency and some brain training with Neurofeedback.

One of our projects is to search space debris. Together with our partner AIUB, we are the only ones in the whole world capable of cataloguing small size space debris at high altitude orbits. We also search Near Earth Objects (= asteroids, which could destroy the life from Earth), carry out experiments with optical satellite communication and give technical support for ESA Space Debris Office.

For the brain training we have registered a name «Neurovitalia», which we use for our clinics. With Neurofeedback we are the leaders in Spain. Neurofeedback is a method to train a brain, which was discovered about 40 years ago. During the last 10 years the technic has improved greatly. The treatment is well accepted in USA, where for example the Academy of Pediatricians recommend it as the first level help for ADHD/ADD.

On top of the ADHD, Neurofeedback is very efficient for migraines, anxiety, depression, PTSD, autism, phobias and chronic pain. About 80% of the patients get their problem solved without side effects. There are very few other medical technics, which could claim that good results. We have 4 offices at Tenerife, Madrid, Mallorca and Gran Canaria, where we give the treatment.

We are a partner of EEGinfo, originating from Los Angeles, USA, which is a major developer of Neurofeedback systems and protocols. We lecture the courses of EEGinfo in Spanish and have been renting Neurofeedback systems to professionals who did our courses. We are also starting to sell directly the EEGinfo products.

We have a great small team. We know that we are doing something special. We do it for passion, not for the money. We have plenty of great ideas, but as often happens with enthusiastic freaks, we struggle to materialize them. We are getting forward, but not fast enough.

We need a person who would bring some order and discipline into the group. The main task of that person would be to take care of administrative paper work and the books of the company, but also support the execution of the work.  The person should speak spanish as native, but an excellent level in english is needed. The working place would be at Madrid with frequent visits to Tenerife or where ever is needed.

So tell me who are you and what do you think you could do for us? Please, do not just send me your CV alone. That will not be enough.  You can contact us by sending an email to The applications are accepted until 20 June 2014.

All the best,


Centros de Coordinación NeuroVitalia

Centro Comercial ABC Serrano. Calle Serrano, 61, 4ª Planta, 28006 Madrid

Edificio Marítimo, Oficina 25. Av. Tres de Mayo 77
38005 Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Teléfono de Información:

637 39 04 69

Compañías Asociadas

Centros Neuronafeliz