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Welcome to NeuroVitalia!

Specialized in neuropsychology and neurofeedback

Company associated with BEEMedic and leader in Neurofeedback in Spain

About us

Neurovitalia is made up of a group of professionals with experience and training in fields such as neuropsychology, cognitive neuroscience, clinical psychology, physics, sexology, coaching and specialized in the Neurofeedback technique. The experience of our specialists in different areas allows us to help you with a wide selection of psychological and personal problems, by designing a personalized treatment that fully adjusts to your circumstances and rhythms of life.

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How do we help you?

NeuroVitalia offers a wide variety of services: Psychology, neurofeedback treatment, neuropsychological treatment, individual psychotherapy, evaluations and family approach among others. Our goal and commitment is to improve the quality of life of people who come to any of our consultations through specific and personalized treatment. Our network of centers will be able to help you in numerous areas, such as migraines and headaches, anxiety, depression, autism, attention deficit and/or hyperactivity, sleep disorders, epilepsy or OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), among others.
With the guarantee of registered and accredited professionals as health psychologists

Psychotherapeutic Specialties

Our professionals offer you help and support in multiple areas:


Our professionals can help you improve body and environmental awareness, develop social and communication skills. In addition, to improve impulse control, concentration and attention.


Overcome the emotional blockages produced by anxiety, acquiring a greater ability to manage and control the factors that cause stress.

Migraines and headaches

We help you to eliminate or reduce the symptoms, stabilize the physiological activity and improve the hypersensitivity.

Insomnia and sleep problems

Decrease your activation threshold favoring sleep conciliation and efficiency.

Autistic spectrum

Improves cognitive functions, speeds up the language recovery process, gets a closer connection with the environment.


Activate positive cognitive schemas. Get a symptomatic and psychological improvement.


Strengthens your mindset by enhancing decision-making through increased motivation and self-esteem.

More areas

Our professionals can offer you effective action protocols for other areas, click here to see more…

Where are we?

You can find NeuroVitalia at different Centres located in: MADRID ,  TENERIFE,  MALLORCA, LISBOA,  IBIZA,  BARCELONA o  MURCIA

Contact with us


In addition, NeuroVitalia offers for professionals who are interested in introducing Neurofeedback into their clinical practice: courses, clinical supervision, equipment and technical support.

NeuroVitalia Professionals



The evaluations are developed by performing tasks that require a specific effort or by observing their cognitive functioning directly. Our evaluations obtain an in-depth assessment of the different areas of cognitive performance.

qEEG en la valoración clínica II


QEEG and evoked potentials

Use of qEEG in clinical assessment

By monitoring and analyzing their brain activity, our professionals obtain conclusions that help clinical diagnosis and indicate the best treatment for the patient’s condition.

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Evaluation of attentional processes, Impulsivity and motor activity

An analysis especially recommended for cases with diagnostic suspicion of anxiety, behavioral problems, social problems, reading-writing problems and learning difficulties.

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It assesses higher cognitive functions, emotional and behavioral aspects of the person, strengths and weaknesses, and observable behavior.

BEEMedic Official Center

Bee Medic Products

NeuroVitalia is an Official Center BEEMedic and has the guarantee of the Othmer Method – leader in Neurofeedback -, and the distribution of clinical equipment approved by the European Union

What is neurofeedback?

Sesión con neurofeedback
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Through the application of the Neurofeedback technique we train the self-regulation functions of our brain so that we are able to maintain our brain activity within appropriate limits.

High performance

Get the best version of yourself

NeuroVitalia can help you extend your abilities and thus obtain the best version of yourself. We can help you safely improve your physical preparation, using the tools of Sports Neuropsychology and medical-cardiological assessment

Alto rendimiento deportivo
  • High Performance Sports
High Performance Sports

  • General High Performance
General High Performance

Cardiología deportiva
  • Sports Cardiology
Sports Cardiology

Alto rendimiento deportivo

Mejora del rendimiento deportivo

Supera la última frontera deportiva

Get the mental edge
Improve your sleep, rest and concentration
Get more determination and visualization
Control and manage your emotions

Our centers

We are at your disposal in the centers of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Palma de Mallorca, Madrid, Barcelona, Ibiza, Lisbon and Murcia



Santa Cruz de Tenerife

– Edificio Marítimo, Oficina 25, Av. Tres de Mayo 77
38005 Santa Cruz de Tenerife
– Av.De Bruselas, 18, 38679 Costa Adeje

Coordination centers

Centro Comercial ABC Serrano. Calle Serrano, 61, 4ª Planta, 28006 Madrid

Edificio Marítimo, Oficina 25. Av. Tres de Mayo 77, 38005 Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Information telephone number

637 39 04 69

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