COURSES | neurofeedback


In this course you can learn in detail what neurofeedback is and how it works as well as the Othmer Method (a method that has led the research and development of Neurofeedback for more than 30 years)

The theoretical foundations are worked in combination with practical exercises to optimize the learning in the use of the technique. The course is supported by demonstrations, conferences, debates and practical studies on real cases. In addition, it uses neurofeedback equipment approved as medical devices by the European Union.

The teaching is done in small groups in which you will get the knowledge and basic experience to immediately work with this interesting technique. After attending the course, you will be able to begin to introduce the neurofeedback technique into your clinical practice.


The use of neurofeedback technique improves, through learning, the ability of our nervous system to self-regulation. So its nature allows the treatment of a wide diversity of physical and psychic alterations.

We can apply this technique for example to ADHD, autism, asperger’s, epilepsy, migraine, anxiety disorders, depression, sleep disorders, PTSD, bipolar disorder, chronic pain and functional rehabilitation after brain damage.

In this context, many professionals can incorporate neurofeedback as a therapeutic complement to their clinical practice, psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, occupational therapists, physicians and pediatricians, educational psychologists, school counselors, physiotherapists, etc.


Information about the more specific details of each course, such as the place, the teaching team, the daily contents, the duration of the course, the inscription or its price are subject to changes

This information depends on each particular course and is included in the info-page about courses of BEE Medic which is aimed at this purpose.

  • Learn the basic technical fundamentals of how neurofeedback systems and EEG signal processing work.
  • Learning the neurophysiological mechanisms of self-regulation and how specific patterns of deregulation lead to physical, behavioral, and emotional symptoms.
  • To gain experience in the management of the instruments used in neurofeedback to train the mechanisms of self-regulation of the brain to improve its functionality.
  • To know the evaluation tools that allow a new vision of the patient’s symptomatology and the protocol of action with neurofeedback.
  • Acquire knowledge and skills that allow you to incorporate neurofeedback into your clinical practice.
  • Encourage a better functioning and self-regulation in their clients which it will allow to them to benefit from other therapies.
  • To use neurofeedback instruments at a basic level.
  • To evaluate new clients to know the feasibility of applying neurofeedback.
  • To describe neurofeedback protocols for clinical applications and performance improvement.
  • To evaluate patient progression continuously and its completion of treatment

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Neurovitalia is a partner of BEE Medic, a company with more than 25 years of experience in Neurofeedback systems as well as in the teaching and dissemination of the technique.

Coordination centers

Centro Comercial ABC Serrano. Calle Serrano, 61, 4ª Planta, 28006 Madrid

Edificio Marítimo, Oficina 25. Av. Tres de Mayo 77, 38005 Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Information telephone number

637 39 04 69

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