Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are a tough test for parents who may feel deeply overwhelmed after receiving the news of their child’s diagnosis. The education of a child is a task that already requires a great deal of involvement and energy. An investment of efforts that is much greater in the case of children with autistic spectrum symptoms.

We know that cohabitation with autism can be strenuous. It carries a great sacrifice for your family and generates an important wear both physically and emotionally. For this reason, it is important to begin treating it to mitigate and relax these problems, receive professional support and obtain solutions.

From a neuro-psychological point of view, the application of the neurofeedback technique gains multiple benefits that can help to achieve these improvements. But how does it work?

Neurofeedback is a neuropsychological technique whose goal is to train and teach the brain, to exercise it. With this exercise, the brain increases its functionality and ability to work in the most appropriate way. In the patient with ASD, a better development of cognitive functions, acceleration in the process of language recovery and a closer connection with the environment, people and objects that surround him are obtained.


In consultation, it is common for families to approach the Psychologist from curiosity with interest in finding positive results. The application of this technique is performed and always supervised by a professional therapist, is safe and non-invasive.

The intervention with neurofeedback starts from an exhaustive evaluation in which the symptomatology and the main objectives to be reached are determined. The particular procedure or protocol evolves as the patient achieves the proposed goals.

In cases of ASD, it is usual for the first sessions to provide some interesting improvements, especially at the behavioral level. Patients are usually more relaxed and react to unexpected changes with a more affable and calm attitude. They are less irritable. Occasionally, tics or ecolalias may descend. There is also an improvement in language, visual contact and communication. Later, in a more advanced phase, emotional or affectionate expressions are usually manifested. Some changes very grateful for the parents since some of the patients also manage to communicate verbally, keep the look or give hugs …

In addition, to develop the best program possible, based on a comfortable experience. It is very important for our professionals that programs or treatments incorporate the interests of the child or patient, their tastes, customs and preferences. Since the more comfortable the patient is with a treatment, the easier it will be to follow, both for the patient and his family environment.

Coordination centers

Centro Comercial ABC Serrano. Calle Serrano, 61, 4ª Planta, 28006 Madrid

Edificio Marítimo, Oficina 25. Av. Tres de Mayo 77, 38005 Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Information telephone number

637 39 04 69

nv neurofeedback

Associated companies
