Services | Intervention areas

What can be treated with Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback has proven to be effective in various areas of intervention by providing important improvements in numerous fields:

ADHD | Depression | Anxiety | Migraines and Headache | Addictions | TOC | Bipolar Disorder | Fibromyalgia | Autism | Asperger Syndrome | Brain damage | Parkinson | Sleep Problems | Vertigo | etc.

For children and adults


When our child is diagnosed with ADHD or ADD, the first reaction can lead to different feelings, doubts and questions. It is the starting point of a long search for answers. Symptoms, evaluations and solutions that can help manage the impact of this disorder in the family environment as well as the person who suffers.

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Although it is an arduous journey, full of fears and uncertainties, it can become a process of learning and self-knowledge to develop strategies that enhance the abilities of the child with ADD/ADHD. It is understood as a participatory process, in which parents and schools must be involved, with a high degree of involvement from both sides.

At Neurovitalia we believe in the importance of emotional wellness and in providing opportunities for improvement and progress. That is why we propose Neurofeedback as a treatment for these patients. This technique is highly effective,  improving body and environment awareness and developing social and communication skills, as well as improving impulse control and enhancing the level of concentration and attention at a high level.
«Neurofeedback as a key to change, a different way of looking inside people to understand their capabilities»
The American Academy of Pediatrics defines the effectiveness of Neurofeedback on the same level of help as medication for the treatment of ADD and ADHD. However, Neurofeedback does not have side effects.

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Our emotions can wear us down


Throughout our life we ​​face situations that often become great challenges, even surpassing us. It is then when the emotions escape our control, affect to us and interfere in a negative way in our life. Neurofeedback opens a window to a process of gradual learning. This technique offers the patient the ability to self-regulate to manage all those complex interactions with environment, to help manage the feeling of emptiness and apathy.

In Neurovitalia we want to be a support in the process to overcome the emotional imbalances of our patients. We then work with Neurofeedback from the action. Thus, we achieve an improvement in motivation and consequently, in mood, disappearance of insomnia as well as irrational fears and cognitive distortions. Neurofeedback enhances emotional stability to cope with adversity.

«It’s time to become a protagonist of your experiences, Neurofeedback as a key to change»

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Improve your emotional stability


Sometimes, it becomes difficult to face the changes of each day, so it is natural to feel paralyzed, nervous, agitated or distressed. Do not let negative situations dominate you, fight against that great enemy that prevents us from living the present, anxiety.

At Neurovitalia, we are aware that sometimes worrying, far from offering solutions to problems, becomes something pathological. We work with Neurofeedback to help you to face and gradually tolerate anxious situations. With this technique the patient manages to overcome the emotional block caused by anxiety, acquiring a greater capacity of management and control of the factors responsible for stress as well as the disappearance of the physiological signs of distress and discomfort. Neurofeedback will provide you a better emotional stability.

«Do not build a jail for your mind, Neurofeedback as a key to the change»

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The characteristics of this technique allow it to be effective in numerous fields



  • Reduction and disappearance of migraine symptoms
  • Reduction or elimination of anticipatory fear of migraine attacks
  • Stabilization of physiological activity
  • Improvement of hypersensitivity
  • Increase in pain threshold



  • Improvement of concentration
  • Grater attention
  • Grater presence
  • Increase in emotional stability
  • Better management of fears and concerns
  • More efficient emotional management
  • Higher grade at controlling impulses, security, leadership and conflict resolutions
  • Improvement of sociability
  • Increase and improvement of skills (verbal comprehension, math, etc.)
  • Benefits in coarse and fine psycho-motor coordination
  • Improvement in perception
  • More efficient management of time and resources


What do we get?

  • Pain reduction
  • Decreasing of fatigue
  • Improvement of emotional well-being
  • Mind-Body integration
  • Stabilization of sleep cycles


How can you improve?

  • Stabilization of sleep cycles
  • Refreshing sleep
  • Decrease or disappearance of restless legs syndrome
  • Reduction or elimination of nightmares
  • Decline or disappearance of night terrors


  • Increase in awareness
  • Power and facilitates the ability to change
  • It increases the capacity of decision making
  • MORE
  • Reduction and elimination of dependence
  • Better impulse control
  • Grater emotional stability
  • Physical and mental calm
  • Increase in motivation
  • Increase in self-esteem

Several reviewed studies describe Neurofeedback as a promising tool for adults and adolescents, especially for those with stimulant abuse, behavioural and attention problems. It is attractive as a drug-free treatment, improves neurophysiology and helps to self-regulate the activation and control impulses.


  • Grater social awareness
  • Improvement in social and communication skills
  • Improvement of eye contact
  • ALSO
  • Reduction of stereotypies
  • Reduction or elimination of tics and self-harm
  • Development and strengthening of preverbal language and verbal in general
  • Deduction and disappearance of absences, decreased seizures
  • Empowerment of psycho-motor coordination


  • Reduction and elimination of invasive obsessive thoughts
  • Reduction and disappearance of recurring images
  • Less emotional distress and unreality feeling
  • Declining of thoughts and recurrent mental acts
  • Better impulse control
  • Increase in mental and physical calm
  • Fear management and depersonalization


  • Enhancement alertness
  • Improvement of the cognition and communication
  • Improved motor control
  • Emotional stability
  • Decreased difficulties in receiving sensory information


  • Improvement of static and dynamic balance
  • Physical and emotional calm

The results of statistical studies in people with Parkinson show that, after training with Neurofeedback, patients achieved a significant statistical improvement in both, the static and dynamic balance.


  • Grater social awareness.
  • Increase in communication and social skills: empathy, emotional expression, understanding.
  • Improvement of eye contact.


  • Decrease or disappearance of dizziness
  • Improved vision
  • Reduction or disappearance of tinnitus
  • Increase in the level of consciousness

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  • Consolidation of mood
  • Management of the relationship and social skills
  • Improvement of capability to keep skills
  • Grater tolerance to frustration
  • Increase in emotional stability
  • More suitable emotional management

Centros de Coordinación NeuroVitalia

Centro Comercial ABC Serrano. Calle Serrano, 61, 4ª Planta, 28006 Madrid

Edificio Marítimo, Oficina 25. Av. Tres de Mayo 77
38005 Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Teléfono de Información:

637 39 04 69

Compañías Asociadas

Centros Neuronafeliz