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High Performance Sports

NeuroVitalia can help you expand your performance for sport. Neuroscience tools are used to improve sleep, rest or concentration, increasing your abilities in the brain level. The last sporting frontier in your preparation.

Medical Supervision

High Performance with
Safety and Health


The Neuroscience has been revealed as an aid to the athlete. It modulates his brain activity to obtain a higher performance. The goal is to improve health and encourage increased athletic performance. In this way we can achieve: control of anxiety, concentration, self-confidence, ability, imagination, focus, attention, motivation.


This type of training is widely spread among athletes, teams and institutions. Some of those who have publicly acknowledged using Neurofeedback to supplement their preparation are:

Tennis: Roger Federer, Mary Pierce | Hockey team Vancouver Canucks | Italian Soccer Team, AC Milan | Volleyball: Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh Jennings | Swimming: Eric Shanteau, Jessica Hardy | Golf: Phil Mickelson | American Football: Chicago Bears, New York Giants | Ski: Alexandre Bilodeau and Jennifer Heil | Professional shooter: Abhinav Bindra | NASA pilots


Coaches and athletes often attribute success or failure in a competition to the intensity of the general activation of the athlete. Achieving maximum performance does not only depend on the physical state: the emotional state, maximum attention and concentration as well as the neurophysiological state are also essential factors in order to maximize results.

These are some of the areas approachable and on which we can work:


The importance of sleep

Sleeping well is directly proportional to the performance that we are going to have. That is, the better we sleep, the more we will perform whatever our field of work. If we take into account that life expectancy can be placed in 80 years, we would spend 30 years sleeping, hence the importance of a restful sleep for our daily lives.

Dr. Paula Giménez Rodríguez, director of the HLA Vistahermosa Clinic Sleep Unit (Alicante) adds that «there has been a relationship between short-term sleep and the presence of daytime fatigue, psychomotor involvement, accidents, deterioration of physical and psychological health and low academic or work performance».

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The Control of Emotions

We can say that one of the most difficult aspects for an athlete is the ability to work without being influenced by the emotional triggers. With Neurofeedback we can work to solve situations that will generate moments of stress and anxiety.

The anxiety in sport is a very delicate subject, it is due to the enormous impact that the negative emotional states are going to inflict on our performance. Many of the sport failures are due to not having control over this loop.

Anxiety is nothing more than a natural response of our organism. This response causes our body to release adrenaline and tense muscles. The symptoms of that anxiety and our response to them will make the difference between victory and defeat.

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Alto rendimiento deportivo


«FLOW« State

The «flow« or «the zone« refers to the mental state that a person experiences when they are completely submerged in the activity they are doing.

It is characterized by the individual manages to focus all its energy on the completion of the task, its involvement in the development of the same and the success that this brings.

When we achieve the aforementioned mental state, we will influence the movement patterns getting a better integration of conscious and subconscious reflex functions and improving coordination. Many athletes describe it as the absence of effort in their performance while they are reaching their best marks.

For an elite athlete, achieving the «Flow» is something subconscious that has been achieved after many years of training. With Neurofeedback technique, undoubtedly, the individual will reach that state of ‘Flow’ much sooner.

Force and neuronal adaptations

In recent years, researchers have found evidence that lifting more repetitions of a lighter weight can increase muscle mass with the same number of repetitions of greater weight. Even so, those who train with greater weight still see greater gains in strength than those who lift lighter loads.

But if the force differs even when the muscle mass does not, what explains this disparity?

Nathaniel Jenkins and his colleagues may have discovered some answers by measuring how the brain and motor neurons (cells that send electrical signals to the muscle) adapt to high versus low weight training. His study suggests that high-load training improves conditions of the nervous system to transmit electrical signals from the brain to the muscles, increasing the strength that these muscles can produce to a greater extent than low-load training.

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Restoration of the brain function

Athletes may suffer a traumatic brain injury due to the nature of sports.

Brain injury can occur in a single incident or in less serious but repetitive incidents, such as it could occur with a Rugby player at the end of his professional career after 10 years.

Due to a brain injury, difficulties arise in areas such as attention, emotional control, balance control, impulse control, anxiety, depression, insomnia and even seizures. Neuroplasticity is the brain’s natural ability to reorganize itself by creating new neural networks and correcting existing connections. Thanks to neuroplasticity, neurofeedback can teach the brain to function normally once again, even if many years have passed since the initial injury.

Alto rendimiento

Sports intensification with medical support

High Performance with Safety and Health

The performance of sports activities of high intensity requires, in many cases, a medical supervision that provides us security. In its High Performance program, NeuroVitalia work with Dr. Cristian Casseus with the aim of providing maximum possible safety to training and compete from the cardio-vascular point.

Coordination centers

Centro Comercial ABC Serrano. Calle Serrano, 61, 4ª Planta, 28006 Madrid

Edificio Marítimo, Oficina 25. Av. Tres de Mayo 77, 38005 Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Information telephone number

637 39 04 69

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